Went to a special dinner with some Twitter friends the other night. Chef Mavro made a special 12 course menu to highlight the Autumn Burgundy truffles he imported.
Halloween in Waikiki 2010
To see all my pics from Sunday, go to my Halloween Waikiki 2010 photo set. And don’t forget the photos from Saturday’s Chinatown block party
Hallowbaloo 2010 photos
These are my favorite costumes from Hallowbaloo 2010 in Chinatown.
If you got one of my cards and are looking for your photo, go to my Hallowbaloo Flickr Set.
Wild Jack-o-lanterns
One of my jack-o-lantern photos from last year was featured on Yahoo’s Green Blog. I can’t wait to see what the office comes up with this year.
Puu Ualakaa Sunset Silhouette
I went up to Puu Ualakaa Park and today’s sunset was a bit more interesting than usual.
Top 10 Non-CAD Tools for CAD Users
Here’s the Prezi presentation for my CAD Camp Honolulu session.
I’d like to thank Yoshi Honda and U.S. CAD for inviting me to present at this year’s CAD Camp. I hope to be back next year.
JPAC Arrival Ceremony
I was invited to attend an arrival ceremony for fallen servicemen recovered from World War 2 and the Vietnam war. The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) holds arrival ceremonies every few months or so to honor those recovered from the field. The remains will be identified over the next several months at JPAC’s Central Identification Laboratory and be returned to their families.