So a few Twitter/Flickr peeps started a photo a day(-ish) project and I wanted to try one of these forced creativity projects. If anyone else wants to join in, check out the Flick group 365 Photo Tweeps.
Unconferenz 2010
After a little delay due to the tsunami warning, Unconferenz 2010 was held at KCC on March 20th. This was the third annual Unconferenz and I was quite impressed with this year’s discussions. I think either the participants’ interests are maturing or they’ve all figured out that social media cannot be used to make a quick buck. Either way, there was no talk about monetizing audiences in the sessions I attended. But, there was interesting insights into how businesses are using social media (blogs, chat, and social networking) for internal communication within the company; and using the big social networks for recruiting and market research.
Thanks again to Burt Lum for organizing the Unconferenz.
Twestival 2010
Mochi Tweetup at Therapy Grill
Catching up on posting pics I took over a week ago. Mochi tweetups seem to be more popular than other tweetups. The first one was held at The Little Oven last year and filled up in 2 hours. Well, this one was a bit bigger and filled up in 24 hours. The mochi was super tasty and can be found at Happy Hearts Mochi.
Tweeball 4
Alohatron Fashion Show
Polar Plunge in support of Special Olympics Hawaii
Hawaii Tsunami Panoramas
Well, today will be remembered for some time to come. For most people in Hawaii it will be another near miss. For me, I will likely remember today as a once in a lifetime opportunity. I decided to take a last minute photowalk to Ala Moana Beach ahead of an incoming tsunami.
Surprisingly, there were hardly any other photographers there. I guess good sense is not so rare among photogs after all. Anyway, these panoramas were taken about an hour before the expected landfall of the waves. I’ve Zoomified these pics so that you can look at the high resolution images without downloading a gargantuan file.
This photo shows the mass exodus of boats from the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor. If you zoom in on the horizon, you can see the masts and outlines of a couple hundred other boats offshore.
Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Evacuation
I’m fairly certain that Ala Moana Beach has never been this empty in the middle of a picture perfect day before. And I can’t imagine any other circumstance that will create a shot like this again.
Let’s play a game of Reverse Where’s Waldo. There is one sunbather on the beach in the photo below, go find him or her.