Halloween Pumpkin Photosynth

Trying out Microsoft’s Photosynth application with my office’s jack-o-lantern contest. A lot of the close up shots didn’t merge into the synth, so play with the controls in the upper right hand corner of the window to see all of the pics.

Unfortunately Photosynth is Windows only, and you will need to install a program so that the synth will display in your browser. But, it is worth it.

Hoover Dam photos

The Technorama crew and spouses took a back stage tour of the Hoover Dam. The audio and video will be posted on the Technorama blog, but I took a couple of pics worth sharing.

Hoover Dam spillway

This spillway has only been used once (or twice if you count testing). However, that one use spanned several months when flow from the Colorado river had filled Lake Mead and threatened to top the Hoover Dam. The high water mark can still been seen in this picture because the sides of the canyon were covered in calcification while it was under water.


The photo above doesn’t show the full size of the Hoover Dam. I turned my camera into portrait mode to capture more of the Dam’s face. But when I stitched the photos together, the whole picture doesn’t fit nicely into a rectangular frame. Click the image below to see the full-sized, uncropped version.

Uncropped version of the prior photo

Double Trouble – Free PDFs

Billibub Baddings 2 Digital Magic

Reinforcing the fact that these two authors were separated at birth, the podiobook twins are promoting their respective novels together and coordinating their attack on Amazon.com’s Top 100 for the same day, August 8th.

Grammar Girl’s Free PDF

Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Grammar Girl has generously released a free sample of her new book Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. This sample chapter is what I would call THE LIGHTNING ROUND of Quick and Dirty Tips. Other may call this a cheat sheet. Either way, print this out and put it on your cubicle wall.

Updated Stock Market Financial Analysis Spreadsheet

Stock Market Financial Analysis Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet Screen Capture - Summary Page

These spreadsheets are offered “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Under no circumstances will I be liable for any damage, loss of data or financial injury resulting from the downloading or use of this spreadsheet. Possible damages include, but are not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use any of my spreadsheets.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

RSS Feeds for EDGAR Filings

RSS Feeds for EDGAR Filings

I found this is a sweet little service that will save me the cost of a 10Kwizard subscription. It searches the EDGAR database and creates a custom RSS feed that displays the SEC filings made by a specific company. The search string is by CIK, but the author made a sweet little search box that will look up the CIK for you. This is now my favorite investing tool.