More thoughts on the Pre

Well it’s been a bit more than a week and my first impression fascination should be out of my system. I still think the Pre is a keeper, but here are things that others will find useful.

Keyboard is small but workable. I have a iPod touch that I keep in a pocket at the same time as I carry my Pre in my belt holster. I have used the Apple touch screen keyboard heavily when I was trying to use the Touch for my mobile e-mail. It just didn’t work for me, because of all the reasons others have complained about already. The Pre’s keyboard is one notch better than the Touch’s keyboard. The little keys are just enough for me to focus my attention on while I type with my thumbs. However, I must concentrate to find the keys with my thumbs. I would not call this touch typing. That said, it is a workable solution and I find myself reaching for my Pre rather than my touch when I want to type a quick message. The keyboard on my old Treo 700p was not any larger but it is easier to find keys because the gap between keys are more pronounced. The Pre’s keys are too level, when you run your thumb across them, you can’t quite tell where the edges of the keys are.

The camera is a bit better than average in both image quality and ease of use. Low light situations are improved by the flash, but the effective range is 2 – 3 feet. Macro photography is out of the question, minimum focus distance is nine inches by my guess. E-mailing the photo to Flickr for uploading is a snap, as is Twitpic.

Lunch at Aloha Tower for Flickr Friday

Aloha Tower - Flickr Friday meetup

Flickr Friday - one more pic

More thoughts about the apps and music player later. It’s after midnight already.

Water drops

Macro water drops on leaf

50 mm w/ an afocal 10x macro lens, ISO 200, f/22, 1/60 sec. using the built-in flash.

Macro water drops on leaf

Same lens, ISO 6400, f/13, 1/80 sec. no flash.

It’s funny how flash and a really small aperture can turn day into night.