Hawaii Geek Meet 2009

Last Sunday was the 2nd Annual Hawaii Geek Meet at Ala Moana Park. I met a lot of old online friends and found some new ones. Forgot to wear my Twitter shirt. Ate lots of food – BTW did anyone get a good pic of that hand cart full of pizza? And lastly I took lots of photos as you’ll soon see.

I busted out my hacked Canon A630 and stuck it on a tripod under a tree. Then I ran a time lapse script that took a shot every ten seconds for the whole event. All told, I took around 2000 photos that day. After I stitched the pics into a video, I couldn’t quite find the right geeky music that fits our little group. Then I remembered Twitter Me Gently by Matthew Ebel and everything sort of clicked together after that.

Water drops

Macro water drops on leaf

50 mm w/ an afocal 10x macro lens, ISO 200, f/22, 1/60 sec. using the built-in flash.

Macro water drops on leaf

Same lens, ISO 6400, f/13, 1/80 sec. no flash.

It’s funny how flash and a really small aperture can turn day into night.

Halloween Pumpkin Photosynth

Trying out Microsoft’s Photosynth application with my office’s jack-o-lantern contest. A lot of the close up shots didn’t merge into the synth, so play with the controls in the upper right hand corner of the window to see all of the pics.

Unfortunately Photosynth is Windows only, and you will need to install a program so that the synth will display in your browser. But, it is worth it.