Panorama stitched together with Hugin and then I used my newest favorite Lightroom preset to get the Dave Hill Look
First Friday Honolulu – May 2010
UH Fashion Show at 39 Hotel
#365phototweeps Week 6
More delicious goodies from Little Oven.
My favorite pic from that night. National Dance Week Hawaii wrapped up with a dance off and a Choreographer’s Festival hosted at Fresh Cafe.
A quick snapshot of Iolani Palace as I was on my way to one meetup or another.
I think this guy captured the Cinco de Mayo spirit better than the rest of the crowd that night.
Sometimes a random photowalk does pay off.
I miss my Tokina 28-70mm. I need to get another fast, mid-range zoom. The 50mm doesn’t quite cover enough.
Punahou Jazz Band played at the Hawaii State Art Musuem for First Friday. The band was OK for a high school band, but their vocalist has a good set of pipes and knows how to work the stage.
National Dance Week Hawaii
View the whole National Dance Week photo set on Flickr. More info on National Dance Week Hawaii at
#365phototweeps Week 5
Mostly caught up on posting my photos now.
Palm trees and Mos Eisley PD, the perfect combination.
Just noticed the moon was full tonight and wanted to get a pic just because.
The slope between the Pali tunnels sure looked more interesting while in traffic than on a computer screen. Not sure how to show that though.
The back showroom of my favorite beer store.
When I was working on the John A Burns School of Medicine project, I remember the water feature was supposed to be a special, well, feature. I never saw it even after the grand opening. Now,I ran across it on the way out of a Bytemarks Lunch meetup and had to take snapshot of it.
Just one more shot from the medical school. This is a “sausage tree” and yeah it’s a real tree and not a euphemism. Now for the life of me I can’t understand why this one tree was the only tree that was saved from demolition when the school was built.
#365phototweeps Week 4
Kawaii Kon 2010
Kawaii Kon photo set on Flickr.
My first Kawaii Kon and I think I will definitely be going back again next year. Got a chance to test out my camera rig for Dragon*Con in a less crowded environment. The photos turned out pretty well and the frame is relatively portable. I’ll probably try this again in the middle of next week’s Spam Jam to see if it can handle a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd of people.