Produced by Kyle Nishioka (@madmarv).
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0
“Twitter Rock Stars” by Carina K (@carinak)
All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
CAD Geek, Photographer, Podcast Junkie
Produced by Kyle Nishioka (@madmarv).
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0
“Twitter Rock Stars” by Carina K (@carinak)
All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
More of the usual tweetup shenanigans at Oceans808.
Special thanks to Vernon Brown (@VBrown) and Matt Matsumoto (@matmatsu) for putting together the party.
I went on a little Worldwide Photo Walk on Saturday through downtown Honolulu and Chinatown. There was a good turnout for our group, about 40 – 50 people walked with me. We ended up at Fort St. Mall and about a dozen of use went for pizza at JJ Dolans.
I took a trip on TheBoat w/ some Flickr peeps a couple of weeks ago. Here’s a couple of panorama’s of Honolulu shot from the ocean.
I also turned on my GPS tracker to geotag my photos. I overlayed the track on Google Earth and saved the screen shot.
Come join us for a photo walk around Downtown Honolulu on July 18th.
We will meet at 4:00 p.m. at the Iolani Palace front lawn. This has been one of the most popular locations for the Hawaii Flickr Meetup. After a short introduction we will take a stroll through downtown honolulu and Chinatown. We will end our photowalk at a yet to be determined restaurant in Downtown or Chinatown. For this reason I recommend that you park somewhere in Downtown/Chinatown and walk to Iolani Palace.
Here is a Google Map of the municipal parking lots in Chinatown. Their rates are probably the cheapest you will find in the downtown areas.
Last Sunday was the 2nd Annual Hawaii Geek Meet at Ala Moana Park. I met a lot of old online friends and found some new ones. Forgot to wear my Twitter shirt. Ate lots of food – BTW did anyone get a good pic of that hand cart full of pizza? And lastly I took lots of photos as you’ll soon see.
I busted out my hacked Canon A630 and stuck it on a tripod under a tree. Then I ran a time lapse script that took a shot every ten seconds for the whole event. All told, I took around 2000 photos that day. After I stitched the pics into a video, I couldn’t quite find the right geeky music that fits our little group. Then I remembered Twitter Me Gently by Matthew Ebel and everything sort of clicked together after that.
This past weekend was my first Hawaii Strobist meetup. I’ve never really gotten into flash photography because my pics never came out to my liking. After this photo shoot I may have to pick up a some new gear and try it more seriously.